The Start of a Fashion Journey

Posted in By Brooke 0 comments

I don't claim to know anything about fashion. At all. But I like it. One could go so far as to say I
love it. But you probably wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at me. I'm a mediocre dresser at best. Sure, I have some days where I pull out the big guns and come out with a pretty interesting outfit, but those days are few and far between. I'd like to change that.

I'm going to take the summer to find some stylish people on the streets, peruse fashion mags and blogs, and hopefully end up with a wardrobe that is completely me. I'll update along the way, pulling out my favorite outfits and featuring them here.

Now onto the name. The definition of outlaw is "a person who refuses to be governed by the established rules or practices of any group; rebel." Now I certainly don't consider myself a rebel by any means, but I don't particularly follow any rules of fashion. That's not to say that I push the boundaries of fashion and nothing can keep me from dressing the way I want!- I just dress how I dress and I don't pay much attention to trends. Also, I live in the hometown of Jesse James and the whole outlaw thing is something that has been familiar my whole life (one of our only restaurants is even called Outlaw's). So there you go.

In case you were wondering, yes Outlaw's is Jesse James themed and even has mannequins of him and his brother Frank playing poker in the window. Okay so you probably weren't wondering but now you know.

Tomorrow I'm going to feature some of my fashionable friends. I'll also probably shoot some of myself in my current wardrobe. We'll see how it looks by the end of the summer!'